Looking for a home? Renting, Buying, Selling and Mutual Exchanges




Mutual Exchange

A mutual exchange is where you swap your home with another tenant. You will need our permission and the permission of the other landlord before you can exchange, and we will normally only refuse permission if there is good reason, for example:

  • Legal action is being taken against you (e.g. for rent that you owe).
  • The accommodation is not suitable for your needs.

Sometimes housing providers (such as councils and housing associations) will have a list of tenants who wish to exchange at their offices, but you should register with Homeswap. This allows any housing association or council tenant to register for an exchange. Once you have registered, you may be contacted by other people on the register, and you can also look at the register to check out suitable properties.  Further information can be found at www.homeswapper.co.uk

We recommend that you:

  • Contact the person whose home you are interested in and arrange a viewing so you can decide if it's the right move for you.
  • Check the condition of the property you are thinking of moving to because you will take on any repairs that are the responsibility of the tenant.
  • Check what your tenancy rights will be with the new landlord, as they may be different to your current rights.
  • Write to both landlords if you want to go ahead. The landlord may require you to complete a form and provide relevant information, and they may also check to see if there are any reasons why the exchange should not take place.
  • Agree a moving date and sign all the relevant paperwork before moving.

For more information, see HHS Mutual Exchange Policy 2024