Our sustainability promise

Green earthGlobal warming is a reality and to halt the rise in CO2 we must change the use of fossil fuels to renewable energy sources such as wind, waves, sun rays, and the heat in the air.

 Over the last few years, many of our new homes have included renewable energy heat and hot water systems and efficient heating and insulation.  We have now 150 new homes that do not use CO2.   We have also retrofit older properties with insulation systems at Fallowfield and Eastfield in order to make them more sustainable for current and future residents.

We also need to consider the impact of our other activities on the environment such as our practices at the office, with employees and contractors.


What is sustainability and why is it important?

Sustainability is a complex issue. It is about doing things now which do not impact on our future generations. Climate change is recognised by many as being one, if not, the most important issue threatening the world at the present time.

The Government has set out a plan to reduce the country’s emissions across all sections of society and will seek to reduce its carbon and greenhouse gas emissions by 80% based on 1990 baseline figures.

We all have an obligation to assist in this, and to adapt our homes and practices to reduce energy and /water consumption and eliminate waste.   


What we are doing?

We have introduced 'Our Sustainabilty Promise' which is part of our Development Strategy. 

Let us know if you wish to be more involved in the work we are doing by contacting us at info@hhs.org.uk or calling 0300 303 5770.