Sara Garnham, Board Chair
Appointed September 2021
- People Committee member
- Finance Working Group member
Sara brings experience from Executive and Non-Executive positions in public, private and third sector organisations across various sectors including construction, housing, the hi-tech sector, education, care and the arts. Sara is actively involved in the local community in Cambridge, currently serving as a governor in a local school and a trustee for other local charities.
Sara first got involved in housing as a charity Board member in the 1980s in Cambridge, leading the charity through an ambitious development programme. In 2006, Sara joined Hill Partnership as Business Development Director and has continued her commitment to the social housing sector with various Housing Association Board roles, including as Chair of King Street Housing Society in Cambridge, leading on their integration with Aldwyck / Catalyst. Sara is a Board member and Chair of the Tenant Experience Committee for Havebury Housing Partnership.
Declarations of Interest:
- Shareholder and Director of Boathouse Court Properties Ltd
- Chair of the Charity Board for New International Encounter
- Charity Board member and Chair of the HR and Governance Comittee for Cambridgeshire Community Foundation
- Co-opted Govenor and Chair of the Teaching and Learning Committee for Trumpington Federation
- Trustee and Vice Chair of The Red Hen Project
- Member of West Chesterton Labour Party
- Board member and Chair of the Resident Experience Committee for Havebury Housing Partnership