Hundred Houses Team Strikes Gold! | News

Hundred Houses Team Strikes Gold!

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We are delighted to announce that, following our recent Investors in People re-assessment, Hundred Houses has been awarded the 'We invest in people' gold accreditation.

With only 17% of organisations achieving gold, this is a really important award at any time, but as Investors in People commented “This is a particularly significant achievement in the current climate with all the changes needed for Covid.”

The results follow a survey and interviews with the Hundred Houses team, with nearly all indicators (8 out of 9) improving since we were assessed 3 years ago, and the overall award moving from silver to gold accreditation. All of the overall indicator scores were higher than both our sector and the Investors in People average scores.

Areas which had particularly improved included Living the Values, Managing Performance, and Leading and Inspiring. The feedback from employees also enables recommendations on areas we can work on. These will form part of an action plan to make sure we continue to improve and keep moving forward.

Commenting on the award Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Hundred Houses Society. Gold accreditation on We invest in people is a fantastic effort for any organisation, and places Hundred Houses in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”

Matt Thomas, Chief Executive of Hundred Houses, added: “This is a fantastic achievement and a great reflection on the Hundred Houses team. The feedback reflects the great teamwork at Hundred Houses and how we help each other to achieve. Even through the challenges we have all faced during the current pandemic, the team remain focused on delivering great customer service both to each other and to the people who live in Hundred Houses homes. I am incredibly proud of the team.”

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